As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to evolve, Fujimi Corporation wants to communicate our ongoing response to our stakeholders and reassure our customers that our commitment to continue supplying them with the highest quality product for their operations remains resolute.
See below for updates regarding Fujimi Corporation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Updated July 10th, 2020
Fujimi Corporation continues to be committed to our customers while protecting the health and wellness of our employees, our business partners, and the general public. As such, we continue to operate our business under strict infectious countermeasures to reduce the risk of exposure to and transmission of the Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus. Our facilities continue to operate “as normal” under these conditions and we do not foresee any problems with manufacturing, shipping or delivery at this time.
Our management team continues to watch the situation carefully and will react to changes if necessary.
An update from our parent company, Fujimi Incorporated, can be found at the following:
Updated May 1st, 2020
Fujimi Incorporated (based in Nagoya, Japan), the parent corporation of the Fujimi Global group has released a statement regarding their response to the Covid-19 pandemic and can be found on their website at the link below.
Please note that this link will direct you to Fujimi Incorporated’s website in a new browser window and that Fujimi Corporation does not control the contents presented on the target page.
Updated April 17th, 2020
Fujimi Corporation, in order to further protect and recognize our workforce, has taken additional actions, some of which are:
- In gratitude and recognition of our employees and their continued efforts during this pandemic, Fujimi is awarding all employees with a one-time spot award of $300
- In recognition of our hourly employees that are required to work onsite, Fujimi Corporation has, for a limited time, enacted a $2.00/hr. hazard pay for those working on-site
- Maximizing work-from-home opportunities as much as possible
- Requiring all employees to self-assess their health including taking temperature before coming on-site and then staying home if ill
- Minimize unprotected contact with common touch-points, personnel expected to limit skin-to-surface contact whenever possible
- Continue with previous guidelines of washing hands frequently, not touching your face
- Requiring all personnel onsite (employees, contractors, guests) to maintain a 6 ft. separation per CDC guidelines
- Strict controls for inter-department movement, requiring coordination and approval by both area managers prior to entering areas
- Restricting number of people in specific areas, rooms
- Requirement of mask/face-covering1 when in common areas
- Expanded limitations of outside visitors
- Updated health questionnaire for all visitors (contractors, guests)
- Visitors are required to bring and wear a mask/face-covering1 at all times
- Following CDC updated guidelines for return-to-work for employees who have presumptive COVID-19, confirmed COVID-19, or have been in contact with suspected or confirmed cases
1 Mask/face-covering must securely cover mouth and nose and may be items such as bandana, homemade cloth mask, scarf, neck gator, etc…
Updated April 7th, 2020
- Continuous monitoring of the current pandemic, CDC guidelines, local recommendations, and local mandates
- Restricted access to facilities for employees, partners, and guests based on recent travel and health declaration
- Restricted employee travel
- Ban on all unscheduled solicitation at our facilities
- Expanded emphasis on social distancing, including
- Work zone segregation to compartmentalize groups throughout the facilities and minimize risk of cross-contamination in the event of exposure
- Expansion of collaboration tools for communication and meetings
- Minimized number of people allowed in conference rooms, dictated by social distancing recommendations and room size
- Restricted access to certain key processing and support work areas
- Increased cleaning schedules
- Increased access to sanitization products
- Increased communication of hygiene expectations and ways to reduce risk
- Expanded work-from-home opportunities and implementation of staggered schedules for many staff capable of working elsewhere, this includes the provision of Fujimi-managed equipment to support employees’ ability to work-from-home securely and efficiently
- Daily management meetings and increased communication throughout the organization
- Temporary schedule and pay adjustments for employees in some of our key operations
- Increased awareness and hypersensitivity to illness throughout the organization
- Verification that ill workers have a clean bill of health prior to returning to work
- Those Covid-19 positive or unconfirmed presumed cases, must meet CDC guidelines of being symptom-free for three days prior to returning to work