Fujimi Corp. Makes Strides Towards a Greener Oregon

Fujimi Corporation is proud to announce that we have been named a Green Fleet Pioneer (GFP) just ahead of Earth Day, 2022. Green Fleet Pioneers are eMission Control partners who participate in the Oregon DEQ’s Clean Fuels Program (CFP) and are committed to using clean energy in their transportation operations. Our fleet of electric equipment has offset emissions by 72.95 metric tons of carbon since we have transitioned to zero-emission battery-electric equipment and partnered with e-Mission Control for CFP credit generation and zero-carbon intensity electricity procurement. That is equivalent to eliminating emissions from 4,690 gallons of gas used.

“Green initiatives are important for the future of our state and the future of the world at large,” said Brian Smith, Senior Manager of Logistics and Distribution. “We’re proud to partner with e-Mission Control to participate in the DEQ’s CFP and be recognized as a Green Fleet Pioneer. We see a future of 100% carbon-free transportation. Reducing petroleum dependency, decreasing transportation costs, and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions is the only way forward.”

With honorees celebrated every April, e-Mission Control’s Green Fleet Pioneer program recognizes its partners’ greening efforts through CFP program participation. “We’re thrilled to support our partners in moving the needle on climate change,” said e-Mission Control’s CEO, Todd Trauman. “Green Fleet Pioneers like Fujimi Corporation are paving the way for a sustainably-driven Oregon.”

The Oregon DEQ’s Clean Fuels Program (CFP) is a market-based program focused on reducing the carbon intensity (CI) of transportation fuels used in the state. It was launched in 2016 and designed to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the transportation of Oregonians. The program aims to encourage the use of cleaner fuels such as electricity, ethanol, biodiesel, renewable diesel, and renewable natural gas by providing incentives and requirements to create demand for cleaner fuels in the marketplace.

About e-Mission Control

e-Mission Control executes electricity consumption data products for forward-thinking on and off-road vehicle fleet operators. At e-Mission Control, we understand that the management and reliability of data-shaping transportation incentive programs around the world are extremely important in smoothing the transition to a green economy. This commitment democratizes access and engagement in state-administered programs, so that the resulting financial and environmental benefits reach stakeholders who might otherwise be overlooked.


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